Tuesday, February 26, 2013

   Season 5
   Episode 8

1 comment:

Greg said...

This one took a while. I felt the whole thing centered abound this: Don wants Megan to be Peggy. You could see through his whole character, reaction, demeanor his disappointment with the idea of Megan both leaving the office and entering the homefront as her environment. The bare feet etc.

I loved the shot of the elevator shaft. Megan descending into Betty.

I also thought an interesting aspect of that was coupled with Pete's story. He talks to Harry about the pictures from space, seeing the Earth from far off, kinda like the elevator becoming far off, and the ideas both of insignificance with Pete also saying, "Why do they get to decide"

Which leads into the Mad Men parallel, both Don and Pete disappointed and unable to convince a woman of what they want her to do.

There were also a few elements of irony. First of Don being lied to because he is the ultimate liar of his life. Then the idea of Don acting had a twist too it because he is in fact an actor playing the role of Don Draper. You could also speak of an irony of Peggy having used to cover for Don against his wife, now forced in a jam to cover against Don for his wife.

I loved the argument between Don and Peggy because it seemed yet again analogous of marital/relation arguments like they've had before; usually beginning about one thing but really about another. Those are relationship arguments.

So it's a return to that element not only of the roles those two acted out, but again the idea of Peggy being his real wife.