Tuesday, February 26, 2013

   Season 5
   Episode 10

1 comment:

Greg said...

Great episode, lots of twisting in the wind.

Have to love the evolution of the Layne character, he's a total Mad Man sice we first knew him, Shady with money, shady in the business, shady in secrets and lies with his wife.

Contrast that to the Harry character, always socially in some middle dmz. Harry is both part old guard, but not quite in, and has ties to the new guard.

And then you have lost, phony Paul. And he's still being phony, just on another continent. Paul wants money like the old guard ad guys do, and just like them, offers a woman to get it, in addition to the whole thing being nothing more than just another pitch. That was great exploration of both people and storytelling.

Now on to Joan and Don. How great is it that Joan throws something and Don shows up for her, much time after the scene where Allison threw something at Don and Joan showed up for him.

The best part of those two is that you know they'll never get together and it should be that way, that's way too soap opera cheesy. But the way it was handled tonight, in making you say uh oh.. noo... they executed it perfectly in every way from beginning to end messing with we the viewer perfectly. Bravo Mr Mw. Great writing once again.

I was reminded of the infamous lawn mower episode where once again those two were in a quaint way there for each other. Remeber then, when Joan actually kissed him on the cheek. Here, Don offers her his coat. See the relation of those two actions? Great again.

And during they're dialogue about "the guy at 7:30", were they really talking about Don?

To cap greatness off, last episode we saw Don upset over Megan about to become Betty. Now, Megan is full-blown Betty in the nasty marital argument.