Saturday, September 5, 2009

Season 3
Episode 4

1 comment:

Greg said...

Ok gang, I though this was great, did you catch the jai alia guy calling Pete "Humps"? The chip-n-dip episode, before Pete gets shot down by the girl, he runs into the tennis guy who lets us know Pete's nickname was Humps.

Sally and the car. Remember last year, I think twice there were references to Bobby and the car (one time was when Don came home with the kids and Betty says to Bobby, "I'm surprised Daddy let you in the car"), so here we see Bobby first in the car, but then cut to Gene not exactly driving. Right then you know your jaw dropped. Tell me these episodes haven't been crafted to great.

The Olson household smacking the tv, how great was that.

What may have been lost with Kitty's disappointment in Sal was how she was EXACTLY Jennifer with Harry right before, asking him about work, building him up etc. That was great.

Speaking of such, besides Sal being efeminate in his expression of work, she had just told him he could be the "conquering hero". And then he prances; the juxstaposition of ideas.

But one of the major points is, overall thematically we have another disappointed Sterling Coo wife.

Bert Cooper is childless, if it matters.

The crank calls, haha ahhh memories.....
Ok besides that, nice to see Lois back. But, of course, she's (like last year with info on the merge) being yet again just being used by the guys. Poor Lois.

Joan giving advice on how to place an ad, didn't she seem like she was reading from her own mind from her own experiance like she probably did it before?

So now we have another clue on Don: Abigail and Archie. Is this going to, eventually, tie in with (many more steps down the line of course) the first scene is ep1..? And, If you notice, they pulled this little thing tonight the same way they first pulled Anna last year.

Favorite line of the night, from Don regarding business with Price right there:
"Don't stop 'till you see the whites of his pocket"

Betty picking up the kids, and Bobby is trampling through the bushes rather than the sidewalk.

How about, yet again twice now, a Peggy and Don (non-suggestive just interesting) mutual look. Did you see that?

For the second episode in a row, Don caring for Betty at the end....