Sunday, April 12, 2015

Season 7


Greg said...

Hobbes: Life is Nasty, Brutal and Short

Very Hobbes tonight. Don’s whole life has been nasty, brutal, and we’ll see if short applies to his life pretty soon.

What I found interesting is the idea of what happens when you die. Among the obvious things, the second tier of the process of dying is what happens before death unless death is sudden. Things and people leave. You give away your things. You give away your pets. You say goodbye to people for the last time. In essence, you’re moving on. We had a lot of that here tonight.

Don said goodbye to Megan. Don had all his apartment taken divorce style but an analogy of what people used to do when a relatives died: raid the house of the dead. Don’s house was raided. Don gives away a million dollars also. He ends the episode leaving in essence Diana’s NY coffin and comes hom to his own empty coffin.

A cat when it’s about to die crawls in a dark, sad, hidden place. Diana has her dark, wooden, all browns, coldly dark, sad drab place. Don also did before this current place a few seasons ago if you remember that place. But even his nicer place now, remember the end of the one episode when Don couldn’t close the patio door to keep the coldness out? (wasn’t the end song set me free why don’t you babe, I think?)

Megan’s mother in essence said goodbye bc she’s apparently run off. Kenny has had said goodbye last week (four episodes left we won’t see him again regardless of that last scene with his new job). Diana we found out ran away regarding death and is now crawling in her own hole. Things are leaving of their own devices.

Two things of two:

Two episodes in a row we’ve had now both Ken and Pete alone with Don speaking of philosophy of life. Ken in the phone booth talking about the life not lived, and Pete this week: If youre gonna start your life over do it right. Some believe death is just a start over.

And second, two episodes now also ending on philosophy of life and death through the Diana Character’s dialogue.

We have nasty and brutal of life in that this episode was all about pain. That’s what nasty and brutal brings, pain. There was pain all over. Megan walking on Roger and Mom, The finality of divorce i.e. death of a marriage, just even seeing Sylvia again which we know hers is a marriage in death, Megan telling him everything with him is a lie, and in the end finding out Diana’s story is one of pain. The pain of tearing of relationships be it through divorce or death, and the aftermath, I felt was a theme tonight.

Nasty and brutal is here….short is the last aspect of life we’ll soon find out….

Greg said...

I spoke last week about how I feel certain characters have been angels trying to reach Don, and the only way you break him down is through sex, that’s how you get in there (remember season 1 Betty looking over in bed asking, who’s in there?): Faye, Silvia and here now Diana. Especially since last episode you can throw in Rachel. And even Anna. Its like when you first don’t break through on a goal, you don’t throw your hands and give up, you adjust. It’s like the angels keep coming but the hourglass is running out (I thought that’s what Cooper’s song and dance was about, the hourglass running out to Don).

So here it’s like a learning process for even angels, they actually don’t know everything. Another one is here in Diana and she adjusts: she gets to him through sex, but also speaks his other main language:


Fay, Sylvia and Rachel didn’t lead a lie as a life. There was sex. Anna, did lead a lie of a life with Don, however there was no sex. Is Don like spinning a combination lock where you have to line up sex and lies to open? So here comes angel Diana now.

She tells him, confides, she’s a liar. Her NY life thus far in a way is a lie because she’s a runner. So is he as we know, he’s a runner. They know sex is his language, his key to unlocking him by way of breaking him down in those post-sex moments. The others began with sex but Anna began with getting into him through his other language of lies. But it hasn’t been enough. So you now have one beyond Faye and beyond Sylvia who goes a step further in that Diana is a willing liar who has now brought together sex and a lie of her NY life so to speak.

Now Don is seeking her, like he almost knows. “Do I know you”. And even the alley sex scene, he says My name is Don, to me it was like something inside him knowing she’s the angel or whatever he’s looking for even if his outside is still confused and not knowing it; so he’s saying I’m the one you’re looking for… I want to be found, finally. The inside of Don wants the angel to find him. His inside self is what’s driving the mind and body now. It’s clear he’s not chasing her for conquest. Look how they were laying in bed when his secretary calls. He’s laying diagonal on her like reaching, clinging, but she’s laying straight wrapped in sheets like a funeral body. She looks like a body in a coffin.

He leaves her in her own coffin of an apartment…. but what would have happened if he had stayed?